Increase diversityย ย
Our pond allows us to plant an even broader range of plants, particularly those that like sitting in water. Here we have planted native water iris. Investigate which plants, native to your area, like being in a pond environment.
These wet areas can also attract pollinators and birds you may have never seen before by providing a place to drink, rest and feed.
Ponds also have a cooling effect on the adjacent areas and can help relieve the harsh effects of those hot summer days.
Ponds support healthy waterways
Aquatic plants in ponds and wetlands play a vital role in filtering stormwater runoff. When runoff is captured in the ponds, the plants trap sediments and remove chemicals that would have otherwise been deposited into waterways. The clean water continues its journey to our waterways after filtering through the pond.
Create safe habitat
Can you see our water fountain? This plays an important role in aerating the water as it falls. This ensures there is dissolved oxygen in the water for the aquatic plants and animals.
There are over 240 different species of frog in Australia, which makes us a biodiversity hotspot.
Many frog species are endangered due to habitat loss. Frogs absorb air, water and nutrients through their skin which makes them sensitive to pesticides and disease. They are also under threat from introduced species such as the plague minnow that eat frog spawn and tadpoles.
Frogs and tadpoles are friends in our gardens by helping reduce pest species. Tadpoles mostly eat algae and aquatic vegetation, but they can also eat other eggs and mosquito larvae. Frogs eat flying insects such as moths and flies as well as snail, slugs, and worms.
You can help!
You can help create habitat by making your own pond out of recycled materials. Check out second hand shops, such as our Buy Back Centre, for materials such as an old bathtub or kiddie pool that could be repurposed.
Protect small children from the danger of drowning in ponds by placing a sturdy metal mesh sheet over the pond and secure it. Frogs will be able to get in and out of the water and the mesh will also offer some protection for the frogs and tadpoles from birds or cats who might predate on them.
Be aware that it is illegal to take frogs or tadpoles from the wild or transport them from pond to pond but if you build a pond in your backyard, it is likely the frogs will come.