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21 October 2019

Kimbriki’s newly launched Leachate Treatment Plant has achieved a significant milestone in processing its one hundred millionth litre this month.

Commissioned in June this year, the fully automated Plant treats waste-water generated from landfilling activities (known as leachate) using a combination of biological and chemical processes to render the leachate safe for disposal to the sewer. It upgrades the existing leachate management system on site which previously relied on traditional site-based solutions including onsite reticulation and reinjection into the waste.

Kimbriki’s General Manager – Asset Management, Mr Mark Winser said the Plant is operating successfully and reaching this milestone is rewarding.

“We are really happy with the way the plant is functioning and with the capacity it is processing. To have processed one hundred million litres in this short time of operation has surpassed our expectations.”

The operation of the Leachate Treatment Plant is a significant part of Kimbriki’s ongoing environmental protection program, ensuring the facility is able to exceed all regulatory standards while meeting the recycling and waste disposal needs of future generations.

The Plant utilises two stainless steel “reactor” tanks of approximately 450,000 litres capacity each equipped with aeration systems, chemical dosing and various sensors and controls.

The Leachate Treatment Plant was officially opened in June this year by the Mayors of Kimbriki’s two shareholder councils, Northern Beaches Council and Mosman Municipal Council.