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Open Day @ The HUB A4 flyer

Engaging the community, upcycling materials, reducing plastic use & fostering sustainable behaviour

Boomerang Bags is a global, grassroots movement connecting and empowering local communities to tackle plastic pollution at its source.  It’s a bag-share initiative supplying free reusable shopping bags for the community to borrow when they forget their own.

Boomerang Bags are made from unwanted fabrics, helping to reduce the 200,000 tonnes of textile landfill accumulated by Australia every year.

The Kimbriki Boomerang Bags group is coordinated by Tanya and Marina, Northern Beaches residents who combine their love of sewing and mending with their passion for the environment. Whilst shopping bags are the main focus, they make and supply reusable items for other community groups, including jewellery pouches for chemotherapy patients and project bags for the crochet groups at a local primary school.

Closer to home, their creative skills assist their neighbours The Peninsula Senior Citizens Toy Repair Group by repairing textile items and making doll clothes and bedding for doll cots & beds.

Monthly working bees are held at The Hub and everyone is invited to visit. The tasks are varied and include:

Cutting material
Screen printing
Sorting fabric
Bring your own creative passion and share your skills
Enjoying a cuppa with like-minded friends

If you can’t make our monthly working bees, we have ready-to-sew kits which can be worked on at home or you can help us in other ways:

Collect textile donations
Sewing machine maintenance
Social media engagement
Help out at markets and festivals

Boomerang Bags Kimbriki – Next Working Bee Dates


Sunday 12th November 2023
time tbc

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