School teachers from near and far recently gathered at the Waste and Sustainability in Schools event, for the common goal ‘to make our schools more sustainable and teach our students the importance of environmental stewardship’. The various workshops and breakout sessions were equally captivating. From hands-on activities that showcased composting, bee-habitat and more, to the visually stunning upcycled materials, artwork and the sensory-feast of the permaculture gardens. All who attended, left feeling inspired and eager to implement similar initiatives in their school. Together we remembered, we can inspire awe for the environment in our students and create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.
The sun was shining bright without a cloud in the sky over the Eco House and Garden recently, as school teachers from early learning centres, primary schools and high schools, as well as other professionals from the education field gathered for the Waste and Sustainability in Schools event. The level of experience was diverse, though it was evident that everyone present was genuinely committed to the cause and passionate about the environment.
Workshops and breakout sessions presented many different ways we can apply tools and skills towards making a classroom and school more waste and sustainability aware. While there was much to speak about and view in notes presented, the day would not have been complete without the practical hands-on activities that took the days learning into our senses. What left a lasting impression was how every corner of the event space was a testament to human creativity and our ability to find beauty in waste.
The passion exhibited by the presenters was infectious and their creative ideas left many feeling inspired and eager to implement similar initiatives in their school. They reminded us that as educators, we hold the key to shaping future generations attitudes and behaviours towards the environment. What was most notable was the sense of camaraderie among the attendees. It was evident that we were all united by a common goal – to make our schools more sustainable and teach our students the importance of environmental stewardship.
If you missed this recent opportunity to attend, we will be hosting more of these events in 2024. To those who attended, and who weโll see next year remember – together, we can inspire awe for the environment in our students and create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.
Thank you to all the teachers and their schools for supporting the day.
Jake – Eco House & Garden, Ecologist and Educator